Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free Poker Games Lesson On Identifying The 4 Main TYpes Of Poker Player

Wherever and whenever you play poker, on free online poker sites or in casino card rooms there will be 4 types of player present most of the time, you will also be a member of one of these groups to some degree. The groups are loose-passive, loose-aggressive, tight-passive and tight-aggressive.

Within each kind there are gradations, for instance, the most extreme loose-aggressive is termed the "maniac", this is a player who plays most hands and raises all the time, almost regardless of the cards he has.

All poker players have a natural tendency to play a certain way. In most cases our natural playing tendency results in lost money as we will either play too few or too many hands and act too passive or aggressive at certain times. Every style has a time and place and being able to switch to suit game situations is the mark if a strong poker player who wins consistently.

Firstly you must identify your natural tendency; this is the first step in stopping being a victim of your own psychology. It is also important to learn to recognize the style of the players who sit at your table so you can counter them in the most effective manner and exploit their shortcomings if they are weak.

The loose-passive player calls many hands pre and post flop. He really wants to lay in as many hands as possible, and will attempt to hold on to the bitter end while not the slightest chance of winning. Loose-passive players are also referred to as "calling stations".

The loose-aggressive player will play many hands aggressively with lots of betting and re-raises. Although these players lose in the long run they are dangerous at times as if their luck in no-limit Hold'em tournaments is good they can get a lot of chips quickly and become the chip leader.

Also called rocks, they play a few hands and play passively. They just bet when they are sure to have the best hand, that makes their earnings small when they do win. One of many disadvantages the rock has is when you identify them as a rock and they play a hand you know to fold. For that reason on any table with players who have some skill the tight-passive player is largely sidelined.

His game is selective, will bet hard if they have the upper hand. Most players who follow this style will be more skilled and have learned to play well and takes into account things like pot odds and implied odds. Not all players using this style are good but many are and overall it is the best singular style to adopt while adding loose and passive elements as game demands and situations change.

The best way to find your style and learn to vary it is in quality but low risk free games. In poker you learn by and from your mistakes so, especially when learning basics, it's a good idea to keep them cheap! Small stakes and free poker games are the ideal way to get experience in the early stages, plus be sure to play free poker games and take as many free poker lessons as you can and learn about things such as pot odds, playable pockets and table position tactics.

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